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Project Process

The project plan was dependent on the learning dimensions from 0D to 7D, which include all the skills needed for students’ ideas to be realised. These include thinking on the 0D level, which is a process in the students’ minds, and writing these ideas in 1D, which leads to the use of 2D skills (two dimensions) such as drawing, photography and cartography, using 3D (three dimensions) for modelling and adding  time to learn movie-making on a 4D (four dimensions) level. This is followed by 5D (five dimensions), through simulation techniques from learning GIS, augmented reality and analysis skills, and then 6D (six dimensions) through the fabrication skills necessary to build the physical models that lead finally to 7D as the realisation of these ideas.

The idea of 0-D to 0-7 is based on the following reference:

Barrow, L., & Mathew, A. (2005). Digital Design and Manufacturing–A New Era of Representation. Digital Communication Association-Proceedings–Pencil Pixel Progression.

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Faculty of Architecture -

Design & Built Environment, Tripoli Campus, BAU University

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